Presenation of OER technologies @ UNESCO HQ
The UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Learning (OER), was invited at UNESCO headquarter on 26 October 2016 at 10 am to make a presentation on “OER Techniques”. The presentation was aimed at UNESCO ED and CI colleagues working in or interested in this field.
The presentation to be threefold:
- Presenting the OpeningupSlovenia collaboration model with the multiplier potential for an OpeningupMemberState model – placing the UNESCO National Commissions in a centrefold social innovation position for the OER/Open Education global agenda in connection with the SDGs, particularly the SDG 4
- Presentation on a set of Data Science based applications that could tackle OER as a big data phenomena with the logic that OER are in their nature digital files. These could be applied also as a layer on top of other UNESCO themes and SDGs, concluding and
- Capitalising on these approaches for the 2017 OER Congress as leverage mechanisms for reaching SDG 4 in the rapidly changing landscape of open education and OER on a global digital scale.