Commonwealth of Learning invitation to the First Meeting of the Task Team and the Steering Committee for the Regional Consultations for 2nd World OER Congress

Professor Asha Kanwar, President and CEO of COL , invited our Chair to the first meeting of the Task Team for the Regional Consultations/2nd World OER Congress 2017, during 9‐11, and the Steering Committee on 11th and 12th August 2016 at COL in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

The purpose of the meeting of the Task Team was to guide the Steering Committee in planning and implementing the Regional Consultations leading to the 2nd World OER Congress.

As a representative of Government of Slovenia that has a strong commitment to the cause of Open Educational Resources (OER), and we have hopefully enriched the working of the Task Team, the Steering Committee and shape the 2nd World OER Congress.