Project description:
The project will present key stakeholders at national, European and global level, their role and how they depend on each other in a way which shall make entire “landscape” known to the participants of the course.
Video of the presentation of the project available HERE.
Author: Dr. Nineta Hrastelj, EuCheMS, Slovenia is General Secretary at European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, EuCheMS. She obtained her PhD in Chemistry and Chemometry from University of Ljubljana.
Lead Mentor: Prof. dr. Robert Schuwer is Lector (Professor) in Open Educational Resources at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, School of ICT in Eindhoven (0.8 fte). Responsible for initiating Open Educational Practices and research around this. In September 2016 the chair was designated UNESCO Chair on Open Educational Resources and their Adoption by Teachers, Learners and Institutions.
Co-Mentor: Ms Marija Kokelj is an experst in strategic marketing, building and managing perspective brands, creating successful networks including international brands, involving innovative processes into decision making, building new standards in education, based on knowledge and experiences and implementing leadership, qualitative approach to the projects development to the implementation with special focus on essential target groups.
This project is part of the Mentoring Programme “Open Education for a Better World” run in partnership by the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning at the Jozef Stefan Institute and the University of Nova Gorica.