2018/2019 Application form for Candidates

The 2018-2019 OE4BW program will take place from 7th January to 5th July 2019. Candidates with concrete ideas for open e-learning courses aligned with SDG goals are invited to apply by 6 January 2019. Up to fifty (50)  candidates will be chosen to be guided on-line towards the implementation of their course.

Accepted proposals will be selected based on their compatibility with SDGs, social impact, the maturity of the idea, capacity and commitment of the author to make the idea come true.

Candidates will be matched with mentors according to the compatibility of the project proposal and mentor’s expertise. The candidates will have regular online meetings with their mentors. The candidate’s role will be to develop and implement an open e-learning module/course,  starting in January 2019  until the public presentation of project results in the scope of the Open Education for a Better World Festival organized in the Lanthieri Mansion in Vipava, Slovenia taking place from 1st to 5th July 2019.

The whole program is based on voluntary work, so we can not provide any financial compensation for developing and implementing an OER.

APPLICATION FORM for candidates

I would like to apply with a project idea to be developed into an open e-learning course within the Open Education for a Better World mentoring programme.

    To enable us to ensure the best possible match between mentors and projects, please specify which from the list of 17 sustainable development goals is addressed by your project idea:
  • If possible provide a link to your own material for a more detailed presentation of your idea (e.g. a video recording of a 2 minute pitch).
  • I understand that the courses will be chosen based on: their social impact, the maturity of the idea for the course, estimation of the project feasibility. Final selection will be done based on a skype interview. I commit myself to implement the course by 5 July 2019 following the guidelines received from the mentors. I enclose my CV in which I include my - experience with e-learning, - experience with teaching and/or consulting, - Experience with open education.
  • Max. file size: 30 MB.